Koboca - Pupil Activity & Well-Being Survey

All affiliated schools within SHAPE have access to Koboca (https://www.koboca.co.uk/)

Koboca is a digital platform which allows schools to create surveys and collect data on a wide variety of areas to help improve specific areas in school.

One survey we would like to draw your attention to is the Pupil Activity and Wellbeing Survey for 2022. The survey helps to gather pupil voice and aims to understand children's physical activity levels so specific interventions can be put in place to support this. It also highlights pupils wants and desires in relation to PE, School Sport and Physical Activity to ensure that the right interventions, clubs and sports teams can be produced in order to best support the young people in your school.

The survey is a fantastic way to highlight on a School Games Mark application, or to OFSTED how you have used pupil voice to drive the activities you run in your school.

All affiliated schools should have a login to Koboca (if you have forgotten yours please get in contact), and the survey will sit on your dashboard under 'my surveys', this can then be sent out to all pupils in your school for them to complete.

The picture below highlights what the survey will look like on your Koboca dashboard.

Shape Learning Partnership
Brookfield Community School, Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Tel: 01246 565825

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